Get Excellent Stock Images for your Posts for Free with Google Images

There's a whole internet out there filled with great images which you could use on your website or blog -- all for the taking! But, hold on there. That's just what many bloggers seem to believe, but the truth is another matter completely. You can't go searching for pics to use in your blog

By |June 15th, 2017|Categories: Blogging Tips, Design Tips, Wordpress Tips|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Get Excellent Stock Images for your Posts for Free with Google Images

Speed up your website by switching off unused WordPress plugins

Deactivating some plugins when you're not using them can make your website load faster Wordpress plugins take time load and can prolong the wait time when your website is loading. Some of these plugins you'll need all the time. A calendar plugin, for instance, could be a vital component of your site. But there are

WordPress Database Optimization

Wordpress database optimization is an important part of running a wordpress site that many bloggers overlook. If you are finding that your wordpress site is slow, there are probably a number of reasons for this. One of the reasons is the wordpress database. Wordpress database optimization is very important. Every time you make a change

By |June 3rd, 2017|Categories: Wordpress Tips|0 Comments